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Student Dress Code

Dress and grooming are important to the student body at any school. Students must wear shoes at all times. Hats, caps, and headscarves/bandanas are not to be worn in school. Students wearing inappropriate attire will be instructed to get the item(s) changed, and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted.

Inappropriate attire may include, but is not limited to:

  • Clothing with rips or holes,
  • Clothing with a derogatory saying or double meaning suggestive of sexual, illegal, or derogatory connotations,
  • Any clothing or accessory, including make-up and hairstyles, that draws excessive attention to an individual student,
  • Clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco products, or other substances deemed hazardous to one's health is inappropriate,
  • Spiked garments, spiked collars, and spiked bracelets, as well as chains, are not to be worn in school.